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Current offerings



Turn Tension into Ease

online group class

Saturdays 9:30 - 10:45am PT, 12:30 - 1:45am ET

8 weeks, January 27th - March 23rd



Bodies are amazing systems designed for ease, strength, and longevity but we don't get blueprints. Explore structures and relationships, learn common misconceptions that lead to injury, and tap into your innately brilliant and capable body.

Come examine the movement and mechanics of your body, and how to be easeful in it. We’ll also explore the relative tension or ease of the larger social body and your relationship with and inside of it.

We are shaped by our conditions, our experiences, and our belief systems (chosen and inherited). We are both deeply interconnected and diverse. Our bodies are changed by our environment and the way we are embodied changes the spaces we’re in. This class will focus on finding ease, pleasure, and belonging in your individual body and as you relate to the world.

There will also be plenty of play and time for your specific needs and desires.


past offerings

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Embodying Resilience

December 2020 - April 2021

A series of five generative, restorative, live-streamed sessions centered on well-being and endurance.

Do you need support in your justice efforts and antiracist practices, personally or professionally? Does your body, nervous system, and heart need care? Are you interested in learning ways to tap into resilience, resource, and rest? 

Sonali Sangeeta Balajee and Lyra Butler-Denman have co-created this series to access belonging and resources in our bodies as we face fear, stress, and isolation. It will include practical somatic exercises to bring directly into your life, unscripted creative dialogue between the facilitators, and guidance for the time in between sessions.  We have been exploring the parallels of working with justice and co-liberation in the individual body and the social body together for over five years. We are excited to bring all we’ve learned to this present moment of deep need through this four session series. We hope you’ll join us. 

THE MASK OF MOVEMENT: accessing available, expressive, versatile performance

June 2023

An introduction to Alexander Technique with an investigation into mask work. Movement serves the actor in creating a theatrical world. This workshop is designed to support the performer’s facility with movement, and access a body that is available, expressive, and versatile.

Blue Lake, CA

This workshop will explore mask studies and the Alexander Technique to:

  • Recognize physical imbalance and interference patterns

  • Access new choices that support a performer’s body and craft

  • Discover ease, versatility, and capacity

Mask play provides a platform for exploring certain movement fundamentals and the essentials for depicting the imaginative world of the stage. Mask, in particular Jacques Lecoq’s concept of neutral mask, examines the way movement serves the actor and how tension creates character, space, and story. It uses movements to really “come to grips” with how habits interfere with movement and expression. As the work on the neutral mask helps us begin to identify habits and patterns, the Alexander Work creates alternatives in our bodies and minds, helping us rediscover ease, capacity, and versatility. By creating more choice and capacity, the Alexander work supports our range, skill, and artistry as performers. 


Re-Hydrating the Body

January 2020

“Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.”

Edith Sitwell

This winter, we invite you to a restorative creative session specifically designed for folks engaged with justice to center, return to, and be reminded of what truly nourishes our bodies, spirits, and our work.  

During the winter, our roots and branches still, the cold and dark nights signaling time for renewal, reflection, and remembering.   Light is nurtured through life-giving spaces and activities, reminding us of the green wicks in our trees and the interconnectedness of all phases of life.

We will explore what is most sacred to us in the work, getting clearer on what we believe, and exploring what it means to become/embody the work from a liberatory perspective. Together we will delve into a deeper experiential understanding of the interplay between what we love, our beliefs, our actions, and our bodies. Our time together will be more about depth than breadth, and we intend to create a restorative, gentle, and caring space, a space for loving critical inquiry.   This will be led by Sonali Sangeeta Balajee and Lyra Butler-Denman, a multiracial, multi-positioned team, and is intended for a multi-positioned group of participants.