a note about my studio wall

I recently returned from a trip to Oaxaca Mexico. Oaxaca is full of art: galleries, print shops, museums, studios, street art. I'm thrilled to have brought back these wonderful prints to add to my studio wall. This wall serves an important purpose in my lessons. Alexander Technique is designed to be something you practice inside your life, out in the world, in the activities you spend you time doing. My studio doesn't have a window, doesn't have easy access to the world. When I teach in rooms with windows I tell my student's "look out there, find something to see while you feel the changes happening inside". It helps to make the lessons less precious, to make it feel like the experience my student has belongs to them and can be accessed anywhere, instead of being some kind of magic that only happens in this special room. So because I don't have an actual window, I point to my wall and say "look out there, find something interesting to see, can you be in the world and notice yourself at the same time?". These new additions to the wall are evocative and beautiful and interesting, and I can't wait to introduce them to my students.