Posts in musing
Embodiment and liberation

As the weeks of isolation go on and we continue to confront our place and participation in Black oppression and liberation, it feels more and more critical to find embodiment. To that end, I am beginning to offer in person private lessons on a limited basis and am restarting the online group class.

I believe Alexander Technique is the study of freedom: freedom in our bodies, freedom from limiting patterns, freedom from oppressive belief systems, and that because we are fundamentally whole integrated beings, on some level there is no difference between freeing our necks from tension, freeing our minds from anxiety, and freeing our selves from beliefs of superiority or inferiority.

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a note about my studio wall

Alexander Technique is designed to be something you practice inside your life, out in the world, in the activities you spend you time doing. My studio doesn't have a window, doesn't have easy access to the world. When I teach in rooms with windows I tell my students "look out there, find something to see while you feel the changes happening inside". It helps to make the lessons less precious, to make it feel like the experience my student has belongs to them and can be accessed anywhere, instead of being some kind of magic that only happens in this special room.

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